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A Rigorous Elementary Math Curriculum for Busy Teachers

Do you want an elementary math curriculum that’s easy to follow and highly impactful for your students? Does such a thing even exist?

Have no fear! I’m going to share all the things an effective math curriculum should include. Plus, I’ll tell you how you can get your hands on a done-for-you math curriculum right now!

The Simplified Math Curriculum includes:

  • Informative lesson scope and sequence with standards overview
  • Automatic grading of pre and post assessments in Google Forms
  • Helpful data analysis charts for grouping students
  • Interactive lesson formats (I Do – We Do – You Do)
  • Interactive PowerPoint and Google Slides lesson presentations
  • Easy-to-follow math journals so students don’t get lost
  • Simple math warm-ups for daily practice with basic math skills
  • Colorful anchor charts with clear visuals to scaffold instruction
  • Printable student self-reflection slips for informal assessment
  • Printable math manipulatives and tools for conceptual learning
  • Pre-made vocabulary book to reinforce math concepts
  • Engaging extra practice activities for early finishers

And so much MORE..!

Want a closer look at some of the features unique to the Simplified Math Curriculum? Check it out!

Interactive Lesson Presentations

The lessons created for the Simplified Math Curriculum follow the I Do – We Do – You Do format. When teaching, each slide is labeled to alert you to which phase you’re in.

First, you’ll model a skill, strategy, or concept. Next, you’ll practice with your students. And finally, your students will practice independently.

Throughout each lesson, there are built-in discussion prompts, vocabulary highlights, and plenty of visual math models.

There are two different versions of the lessons in each unit, PowerPoint and Google Slides. Take your pick!


Easy-to-Follow Student Math Journals

Next up are math journals! As you’re teaching with the Lesson Presentation, your students follow along in their Student Math Journals. They are organized and labeled using the same 3 phases of teaching.

The student journals serve several different purposes. They were created to:
  • help students stay focused
  • double as a note-taking strategy
  • help students retain information
  • keep students organized
  • provide another informal assessment

Simple Daily Math Warm-Ups

As you’re teaching your current unit, you also want to make sure you’re reviewing foundational skills. But, how can you do that with limited time?

With Math Warm-Ups, that’s how!

Each unit includes daily math warm-ups to use before each lesson. These warm-ups are short and cover foundational topics like number sense, addition, multiplication, etc.

Engaging Extra Practice Activities

Children need time to practice and review the skills you taught in the lesson. So, each lesson includes an extra practice activity that your students can do for morning work, use as an early finisher activity, or even complete as homework.

Informative Assessments

Assessment is an integral part of instruction. Without assessments, we wouldn’t know what our students know or how to modify our teaching to meet their needs.

Each unit in the Simplified Math Curriculum includes several types of assessments:
  • Pre-unit assessment
  • Post-unit assessment
  • A mid unit check-in
  • End of lesson self-reflections
  • Formative assessments (vocabulary booklet, warm-ups, etc.)

In addition, data analysis charts are provided for the unit pre and post-assessment to help you guide instruction and group your students.

Supportive Anchor Charts

Are you a visual learner? I know I am! Anchor charts are visual aids children can continue to refer back to when they need extra support. They can show math models, example strategies, or illustrate difficult concepts.

The Simplified Math Curriculum has everything you need to tackle teaching important grade-level standards in your classroom: easy-to-follow lesson structures, self-grading assessments, engaging practice activities, and more!

Each unit comes with colorful anchor charts that reinforce math concepts covered in different lessons. You can blow them up and use them as classroom posters, or your students can store them in their math journals as reference resources.

Make teaching your math lessons a breeze with The Simplified Math Curriculum.


Save yourself a ton of time and headache with done-for-you math units. Currently, the units are available for 2nd through 5th grade. More grade levels will be added in the future. So all that’s left to do is to get your grade level Simplified Math Curriculum Units HERE.

If you’re in need of an elementary math curriculum that you and your students will love and found the ideas in this post helpful, please share on Pinterest!
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