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Cool Summertime Math Websites

Summertime is quickly approaching.  We know that over the 2 – 3 month timeframe, considerable summer loss can occur.  To help support your students be sure to share the Cool Math Resources sheet.  This sheet includes 6 helpful math websites that students can use over the summer to reinforce or enrich their understanding of various math concepts.

Almost all of the websites are free of charge (there is a small charge for Tenmarks and Adapted Mind after some time).  The Tenmarks Summer Math program is offering a free 3-month program for families.  Sign Up for the free trial and try the tool that is aligned to Common Core Math standards.

Be sure to email or copy the sheets for each of your students.  At my school we copied the sheets for all of the students and are sending them home with the final report cards.


Take the stress out of implementing math centers in your classroom...