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Make Teaching 3rd Grade Math Less Intimidating

This FREE guide is filled with helpful information, engaging ideas and relevant resources for teaching 3rd grade math.

Interactive Number Lines: A Number Sense Builder

Have you been looking for a hands-on way to build number sense in your elementary kids? Look no further, I have just the thing. Interactive number lines! All you need is painter’s tape, index cards and sticky notes.

What is so great about interactive number lines?

Benefits of Interactive Number Lines

  • It’s hands-on for students.
  • It’s clear visual model.
  • It builds number sense.
  • It ‘s FUN for students!
Join me as I show different ways to use interactive number lines to teach number sense concepts across different grade bands.

First up is Kindergarten and 1st grade. Watch as I focus on the concepts of counting, benchmark numbers, one more and one less and use activities such as Mystery Numbers.

Click the photo below to find multiple representations (i.e. ten frames, expanded form, base ten models, etc.) for numbers 0 – 150 to use to get started with interactive number lines today.

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This kit includes a variety of math models and number representations to support number understanding within 150.

Next is 2nd and 3rd grade. Here I mainly show how to use the number line to teach skip counting. I also focus on working with larger numbers and using expanded form. Learn how to keep kids engaged by playing fun games like Number Line Detective.  

And on to 4th and 5th grade…..where I give examples of ways to use the number line when teaching fractions and decimals.    

If you like what you see, then you may want to check out my previous blog post Using Interactive Number Lines to Support Number Sense.   Once you feel like your kids “got it” check out my Number Line Number Sense Flip and Go MathCards. They are a great way to review.  



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