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Math Vocabulary Link Up


Today I have the pleasure of linking up with Sarah and Courtney of Adventures in Guided Math for the Wednesday Linky.  This week we are sharing ideas on how math vocabulary is taught or reinforced in our schools.
Research states that teaching essential vocabulary terms is critical to ensure that students have the background knowledge necessary when they encounter these words.  Based on research by Robert Marzano a Six Step process for teaching vocabulary should include:
  1. The teacher provides an explanation, description or example of the new word.
  2. The teacher should ask the students to restate the explanation, description or example of the new word in their own words.
  3. The teacher should ask students to create a picture or graphic representation of the new word.
  4. Students should be engaged in activities that helps them add to their background knowledge of the words in a notebook.
  5. Students should discuss the vocabulary words with a partner or classmate.
  6. Students should be involved in games that allow them to practice the words.

I will share 2 strategies that I use to reinforce vocabulary.

Vocabulary Flip Book
This is a great method used to reinforce vocabulary words.  I used this technique last year when I tutored 4th grade students.  It really helped to reinforce the vocabulary terms in our equivalent fractions unit and served as a study guide for the students.  To create the flip book, simply select a couple of pieces of construction paper, stagger the edges  about 1 inch apart, fold over and staple.  Check out the pictures below.


The Frayer Model
This graphic representation helps to establish word recognition, meaning and understanding.  The Frayer Model incorporates many of the aspects of Marzano’s research. I usually start with a think aloud of the new word, using the classroom version below. From there, the students work with partners to create their own examples.  Click on the images below to download the FREE labels to create your own Frayer Model Classroom Version.



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