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Standards for Mathematics Practice Posters

When the Common Core Math standards were created so were the Standards of Mathematics Practice.  Many of us are aware that the Standards of Math Practice (otherwise known as the SMP’s) were developed as a set of behaviors and habits of mind to support great math thinking in our students.  

From a student perspective, the language of the SMP’s maybe difficult to understand.  I found a great FREE resource to help students better understand what the SMP’s mean.  Debbie Waggoner, a Math and Social Studies Instructional Specialist with the Kentucky Department of Education, compiled the elementary SMP’s by grade band from the Jordan School District in Utah!

Check out the sample Standards of Mathematics Practice posters below:

These posters are great resources!! I’ve printed them out for all of the teachers in my school.  I love referencing them during a model lesson or professional development.

Check out a sample SMP bulletin board in my school.

photos of Standards for Math Practice, Mr Elementary Math

This bulletin board was created by downloading the links below.

                 Click here if you would like the SMP bulletin board title.

Take the stress out of implementing math centers in your classroom...