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The Power of Teaching with Math Songs

As educators, we are always on the hunt for ways to engage our kids.  What about math songs? Songs are often overlooked as teaching strategy.


In our quest for mastery of ALL the standards, singing songs can be viewed as juvenile or not schedule worthy.

Not true!

First, let’s not ignore the importance of reaching all of the teaching and learning styles. Some of our students are auditory learners and some songs incorporate movement (a little something for kinesthetic learners).

Second, if you teach or are a parent, you know that kids pick up on songs very quickly. (Even the ones that you don’t want them too!) So why not use this as a way to teach and review?

So, let me share some quick and easy tips for effectively teaching with math songs.

Teaching Tips for Teaching with Songs

1 – Discuss the lyrics first so that your kids understand the content and why they are singing it

2- Ask questions and have students use the actual song lyrics to help them answer

3 -Write the song lyrics on chart paper and add visuals

4 – Add hand movements to reinforce content when appropriate

5 – Remember that a song does not explicitly teach the concept, but it can serve as a way for your kids to make connections and deepen understanding

6 – If you are creative, and I am sure many of your are, take a well known song and change the lyrics to review a  math concept

TOP 5 Places to Find Math Songs and Videos

I pulled together some great places to find math songs online.

Harry Kindergarten Music

This YouTube channel offers a variety of songs for Kindergarten, but the math selection is definitely worth checking out.

Harry’s subitizing video is a great way to incorporate song into a quick, yet meaningful math activity.

Songs for Teaching

This website offers a variety of math songs sorted by math topics. There are even some songs that have suggested movements.


This is a favorite of mine because there are some great math songs that appeal to older students on this site, which are usually difficult to find. The videos are categorized by math domains and contain a wide range of skills within each one (K – 12th grade).

Check out this fun one about area and perimeter.

Math Wire

This website offers several songs about algebra concepts, geometry, numbers and operations, and measurement. There are no videos, but some of these math songs would be great to record on chart paper.

Go Noodle

Let’s talk about this teacher favorite. Go Noodle houses many quick paced videos that will get your kids singing and moving. These videos are great for brain breaks! They are short, highly engaging and to the point.

Here is one about patterns.

I don’t have a paid account but you can check out several of the videos for free on their website or Youtube.  And of course there is a category just for math. You kids will be on ready to rap or rock it out!

Math Chants for Reviewing

Chants can be an alternative way to add songs into your math routine. These fun call and response activities are quick and highly engaging.

Here is math chants I use sometimes to review math facts. Students clap out the solutions to problems.  It all depends on what math topic you are reviewing.  Take a look at some of these examples below.

“If you hear my voice clap”

  • the sum of 2 + 4
  • the difference of 10 – 6
  • the product of 3 x 2

Chants and Cheers to Foster a Positive Learning Environment

Chants don’t have to be about teaching and reviewing math skills. You can also use them to foster a positive learning environment.

So the next time you may be trying to figure out a fun way to help your kids review a math topic, break out into a song.

What math songs do your kids go nuts over? Leave them in the comments below.


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